Yoga, Somatic Therapy, Red Tent Circles and Sweat Lodges for Women

Commit to Transformation in Your Life

To Come Home to Yourself

May all that is unforgiven in you,
Be released.
May your fears yield
Their deepest tranquilities.
May all that is unforgiven in you,
Blossom into a future,
Graced with love.

John O'Donohue

Get In Touch: 07983 118742

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Yoga classes for women

All Abilities

Small group Dynamic Yoga classes for women - maximum 6 students. Taught in 6 week blocks, please get in touch for dates.

1 to 1 sessions available to deepen and refine your individual practice.

Nottingham; Bingham; yoga; group yoga; red tent; 1 to 1 yoga;

Red Tent

Women's workshops

Connect with the energy of Mother Earth, experience real connection with other women.

Dates for 2024

Imbolc Winter Retreat 9-11 February

Beltane Red Tent Saturday May 4th

Lammas Red Tent Saturday August 3rd

Samhain Red Tent Retreat - 25-27 October

Logs burning with red hot flames

Sweat Lodge

Women's sacred space

An ancient ritual, a sacred space, where powerful healing can occur.

Dates for 2024

Spring Equinox Lodge Saturday March 23rd

Summer Solstice Lodge Saturday June 15th

Autumn Equinox Lodge Saturday Sept 21st

Winter Solstice Lodge Saturday December 21st

Get In Touch

Please feel free to contact me with any questions about Yoga, Somatic Therapy, Red Tent Circles or Sweat Lodges if you require further information or would like to make a booking. I will be happy to speak to you.                         

Blessings, Kara x


Telephone: 07983 118742

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