Yoga Nidra - The Revolutionary Act of Rest

Taken literally, Yoga Nidra means "yogic sleep". Whilst you will sometimes fall asleep if this is what you really need to do, Yoga Nidra is about very much more than sleep. What it does have in common with sleep though is that it is absolutely natural, absolutely effortless and absolutely healing. We all know how bad we feel when we go without sleep. When you introduce a daily or at least regular practice of Yoga Nidra into your life you will quickly learn how necessary conscious resting is to your well-being.

So what is it?

The practice of Yoga Nidra is usually performed lying down and does not involve any physical movement. That's it - nothing to do! That in itself can open the possibilities of healing to many of us, who are used to only feeling a sense of 'achievement' if we are running around juggling a million balls in the air. I find when I deliver Yoga Nidra practices that the words which seem to have more impact than any others which I regularly use are some variation of "just to be here is enough." This is a radical idea to most of us used to constantly measuring ourselves on our 'performance'.

Yoga Nidra works to promote healing at all levels of our being - physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual. It is a natural state (we have all entered it each time we drift into sleep and resurface from sleep) so, if you have ever fallen asleep in your life then Yoga Nidra is available as a healing practice for you.

It can be used generically, for example, to a group of people as an invitation to rest. I use it for this purpose at the end of my Yoga classes and in Red Tents and Sweat Lodges. It is always therapeutic and always healing. It can be used also specifically for therapeutic purposes. Working 121 we can work together to design and create individual Yoga Nidra practices which can help you to heal in specific ways by working with your own particular issues. You will go away from these special 121 sessions with your own individual Yoga Nidra audio recording which you can use any time you like to tap into your innate capacity for healing yourself.

Healing by doing nothing but allowing yourself to rest- that is truly revolutionary!

Individual Yoga Nidra healing packages by individual appointment. Please get in touch to discuss your needs.

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