In the wake of the US Election...

"Tell me about despair, yours and I will tell you mine,

Meanwhile the world goes on..."

(From The Wild Geese by Mary Oliver)

Whether or not we allow ourselves to become mired in despair the world will go on. The world will continue to turn and events will unfold as they are going to. Babies will be born, people will die. The sun will rise and set and the Universe will unfold. Wars will be fought and injustices will be wrought upon the innocent. The Earth will suffer destruction at the hands of some people whose sight is clouded by delusion and greed and the Earth will be protected and nurtured by those with clarity and the desire to protect what is beautiful and good. People will laugh and people will cry. The Wheel of the Year will turn.

There is so little we can control and also so much. What can you offer to this world today within your own life and your own capacity right now? What small things can you do better today, with more conscious care? How might you live today with loving kindness, to yourself, to others and to this Earth who is the Mother of us all?

Live this day with Compassion and let that radiate from you. Nourish the Sacred Fire of your heart, of your True Self so that you can have the prajna (clear seeing) that many others lack. Heal your trauma so that what is in the way of you fulfilling your true purpose in this world might fall away. This will enable you to take up your place as a spiritual warrior in the army of compassion that this troubled world needs so desperately.

With love and healing to you all today.

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