Logs burning with red hot flames

Phoenix Women's Sweat Lodge

The Sweat Lodge symbolises the womb of Mother Earth, it is dark and hot. As we crawl into the lodge we are entering a sacred space where powerful healing can occur. During the lodge ceremony, from the moment we arrive, we open ourselves to the healing of the natural elements- Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Spirit, or Space. This connection with the elements is primal and allows us to quickly cut through the social necessities and pretences of every day.

What you receive from your Sweat Lodge experience will depend on what you are bringing with you emotionally,  psychologically and spiritually. It will also depend on what you need to receive, how open you are, how much you allow yourself to surrender to the experience and how much you allow yourself to stay with your process as you transition throughout the day.

We will gather together in the woodland at the beginning of the day in a circle of women. Even though you will be encouraged to stay in your own process through the day you will feel safely held in a Circle of Belonging.

There are 2 Sweat Lodge sites, a woodland site at FarmEco, Screveton and a beautiful open pasture site Under the Big Sky at Ransom Wood, near Mansfield.

As a Somatic Therapist I am experienced in working with women and with healing practices, both 121 and in groups. The Sweat Lodge can be challenging as things can arise within us that are calling to be faced. You will be gently and safely held by me as facilitator, by the Circle of Women and by the lodge herself.

You will be asked to complete an intake form prior to coming to the lodge so that I have an idea of what everyone is bringing with them and if anyone might need extra support. Please feel free to book a 121 Somatic Therapy session prior to the lodge if you feel this would benefit you.

Sweat Lodge Cancellation Policy

The Sweat Lodge charge is £80 for the day. This includes drinks and a meal afterwards. I ask for 48 hours notice to cancel your attendance at a lodge. Spaces are limited and this gives me time to fill the space if I can. With 48 hours notice I am happy to transfer your booking once to the next lodge. If you cancel again I will need to charge for the space. Cancellations of less than 48 hours' notice will be charged for.

What to Expect on the Day

You will arrive at the lodge site around 10.30am. The fire will be going and the group will share a cup of tea and take time to arrive and orientate. I will then smudge everyone individually. This is essentially a gentle smoke bath with herbs designed to help you release and let go of anything you do not need to take into the sacred space with you. After the smudging we will have an opening ceremony around the fire to call in the Spirits of the Elements and further prepare ourselves for the lodge. We will then get changed (swimming costumes or light, loose clothing works best).

The first Ancestors will be taken into the lodge (olivine basalt rocks which are 450 million years old symbolise the ancestors). Each round will involve different practices and will include singing, chanting, meditation, prayers and sharing. Each round more Ancestors will be carried in. Water and herbs put on the rocks creates healing steam.

The lodge will be completely dark. The heat, the dark and the practices themselves are designed to bring into conscious awareness whatever you are carrying within your being which needs attention. This is meant to be challenging and fear often arises. You will be encouraged to stay with whatever comes up for you so that you can gain maximum benefit from the healing opportunity that the lodge offers. However, you are free to leave the lodge at any time - you are the best judge of your own tolerance.

After the lodge ceremony is complete we will feast together and relax around the fire. All food provided will be vegan. We should be finished around 4.30pm.



Spring Equinox Sweat Lodge

Saturday 23rd March

Summer Solstice Sweat Lodge

Saturday 15th June

Autumn Equinox Sweat Lodge

Saturday 21st September

Winter Solstice Sweat Lodge

Saturday 21st December


Autumn Equinox Sweat Lodge

Saturday 24th September

Fully booked

Winter Solstice Sweat Lodge

Saturday 16th December

Fully booked

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