Autumn is coming

Phoenix Sweat Lodge

Deep within the heat of this Summer is the knowledge that Autumn is coming. Blackberries are ripening, apples are filling and growing and the crazy whirl of green growth from the time of Beltane to Summer Solstice is long behind us. The grain harvest is cut and gathered in and the Earth is baked and waiting for the cooler months and the darkness to return. Mother Earth has worked very hard this Summer to maintain growth and life in the heat.

The first festival of Autumn is Autumn Equinox, the time of balance when night and day are equal. The word Equinox comes from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night). We will be marking the Equinox this year with a women's Sweat Lodge. Time and space to reflect on balance in our own lives at this time. Time and space out of our busy daily lives to bathe in the primal power of the elements, of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. Time and space to restore our connection to Mother Earth and to ourselves and each other.

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